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Bill of Materials Monitoring

Ensuring the continual existence of your components

Surveillance de nomenclature

The risks of component obsolescence are increasing, and their repercussions are not without effect on your activities.

This is why Tame-Component fully understands that the earlier the risk is detected, the less the solution will be developed in a climate of panic, and the more advantageous the aspects pertaining to risk/cost.

Tame-Component offers to:

  • Monitor the bill of materials for your components

  • Alert you of risks in case of end of life

  • Accompany you in the implementation of solutions

  • This service is part of our Obsolutions offer

The Benefits

Monitoring the Life Cycle of Components

Products with a long lifespan undergo changes in their components over time.

These evolutions can be:

  • EOLs questioning the very existence of the product

  • Legislative changes prohibiting or restricting the use of certain chemical compounds

  • Major changes in the industrial perimeter of the component (company takeover, takeover by a competitor, etc.) which may lead to global changes in the supply 

In all these cases, monitoring the components of this product is essential:

  • To anticipate future blockages

  • To guarantee the continuity of supplies

  • To minimize the costs induced by these events by treating them as early as possible

Scope of Monitoring

The types of components to be monitored can vary greatly from one equipment to another and depend entirely on the obsolescence management strategy defined with the customer.

The scope of monitoring corresponds to the types of "components" in the bill of materials that are monitored (electronic, mechanical, COTS, consumables, etc.)

The means to be implemented being very different from one scope to another, this aspect must be defined at the beginning of the service.

Depth of Analysis

This is the level of detail of the elements provided to the client. It is essentially dependent on the client's obsolescence management strategy and must therefore be specified at the beginning of the service.

Monitoring of Higher-Level Products

In cases where the equipment integrates sub-assemblies, it is also possible to monitor the components making up these sub-assemblies. This specific monitoring must be explicitly planned from the beginning of the service and is subject to a preliminary feasibility study.

Distribution of Results:

After each quarterly analysis, the results are communicated by e-mail to the person identified by the customer.



Within the Technical Department, this service is placed under the responsibility of the Head of the Component Technology Laboratory. He is in charge of all aspects related to this service:

  • General organization of the activity

  • Implementation of human and material resources to ensure the quality of the service

  • Technical expertise and analysis of results, in collaboration with the Purchasing Department and the Design Office

  • Dissemination of the results of the monitoring

  • Relations with the client

  • Responsibility for the results vis-à-vis the customer

The Technical Director provides the Laboratory Manager with the resources necessary for smooth running of operations, and ensures the strategy of the activity as well as its development.

Technical tools

In practice, the service is developed with:

  • An international database, collecting all information on known components. TRONICO has selected the PROMIERE database managed by IHS.

  • A network of information based on component distributors. Given the volume of purchases processed annually, and the highly structured purchasing policy, this network provides valuable additional information, and makes it possible to cross-check and complete the information acquired elsewhere

  • Information management tools, mainly based on TRONICO's ERP tool. The information from the monitoring is thus structured, prioritized and directly linked to the production tools

  • Dedicated people, whose sole mission is to manage this flow of information

  • General resources of the Component Technology Laboratory, and more generally resources of the Technical Department

Jean Bastid

Tame-Component's Director

26 rue du Bocage
85660 Saint-Philbert-de-Bouaine

Contact Tame-Component

by form +33 (0)2 51 41 89 35

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