Electronic components in the space market
Tame-Component: tailor-made test solutions for component reliability
The space industry sector includes all the companies and actors that contribute to the design, manufacture and maintenance of equipment and the development of related services such as:
- Equipment for launching human beings and objects into space (rockets, shuttles, descent vehicles, etc.)
- The design and manufacture of artificial satellites for the space industry, placed in orbit around the Earth (communication and mapping satellites, meteorological satellites, space stations)
- Space industry ground equipment (control stations, satellite dishes)
- The recent and growing market sector of commercial tourism and space travel for civilians, which encompasses new forms of space mobility
Challenges for the Space sector
Until recently, the space market was structured around large companies that were responsible for the overall design of space equipment and its assembly, supported by a variety of subcontractors.
With the emergence of New Space, the space market is undergoing profound changes with vast movement resulting from the intersection of two major technical revolutions, those of digital and space electronics. The sector is undergoing major development: economic, financial, technological and environmental.
New players have changed the rules of the game in the space industry, with the emergence of numerous projects led by start-ups, spacetechs, SMEs, ETIs alongside the large established groups. By working to make space accessible by lowering the technical and financial barriers to entry, New Space is shaking up the sector, all along the value chain, both upstream and downstream and is contributing to the market’s exponential growth forecast: more than 1,000 billion dollars expected by 2040.
New market segments have emerged with reusable launchers (mini and micro launchers) or MEO/LEO satellite constellations, which have significant commercial potential with the downstream development of a multitude of services (in orbit or on the ground) and commercial space applications (broadband internet, 5G and other connectivity uses). In particular, investments are burgeoning for the development of new uses such as space surveillance, in-orbit services and the exploitation of space data, which are at the centre of the challenges of tomorrow.
On a national level, the New Space sector includes more than 150 players (traditional operators and new entrants alike) and nearly 40 active start-ups. New Space activities represent 10% of national jobs linked to the development of space activities.
On the European level, nearly 17 billion euros were granted to the ESA (European Space Agency) at the end of November 2022 to finance various 2023-2025 programmes, including the new IRIS2 satellite constellation.
In addition, the context in which the space market is evolving is marked by the challenges of the global ecological transition: the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions impacts the design and architecture of spacecraft. On-board energy (batteries) and propulsion technologies are also significant here.
Finally, the increased global competition for access to Space and its exploitation on both the civil and military levels requires the national and European space industry to make a qualitative and quantitative leap forward by applying a high level of control and improving the competitiveness of all actors so that they compete on an international level.
Tame-Component's expertise for the space market
Just like aeronautics, space is a demanding sector requiring a high level of quality and reliability for on-board electronic systems, with new needs and new actors.
Tame- Component understands that this sector is evolving and is also developing its services to meet the challenges of the New Space. Profitability and speed are key elements, but New Space also requires electronics of the highest quality and reliability.
Tame Component’s laboratory is backed by TRONICO, which has been a major player in the aerospace sector for over 50 years and specialises in the development of complex electronic systems (EMS and EDS). TRONICO’s backings boosts Tame Component’s offer in terms of engineering and expertise on electronic components.
TRONICO also has the know-how approval (ASF) from CNES for the soldering of components on electronic boards.
With these skills and know-how, Tame-Component offers a complete range of test solutions to meet the needs of all market players:
- Space agencies and research laboratories
- Manufacturers of spacecraft (launchers, satellites, etc.)
- Equipment manufacturers, subcontractors
- EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Systems)
- Component manufacturers & suppliers
- Launch services / space system suppliers
- Spacetechs
Tame-Component can work on and across many different projects and integrate the specific ECSS standards requirements for your field, in particular the ECSS-Q-ST-60-13C standard, for the testing and qualification of electronic components ( classes 1 and 2):
- Technical entry inspection (LAT | Lot Acceptance Test)
- Electrical testing
- Construction analysis
- Material analysis
- HAST pre-conditioning and thermal cycling
- Acoustic microscopy (Predictive image, PartLab partner laboratory)
- Hermeticity (ELEMCA, PartLab partner laboratory)
- Life test
- Visual inspection
Tame-Component’s laboratory also offers obsolescence management and secure storage services.
Certifications and accreditations
In addition to the EN9100 and Nadcap Electronics certifications and accreditations with TRONICO, the Tame-Component electronic components expertise centre has been accredited by COFRAC Essais n°1-2378 – for more than 10 years.
Find all our certifications and accreditations on the dedicated page.
Use case
Use case #1:
Customer requirements: to make components reliable and ensure their pairing for space applications.
Tame-Component performed qualification tests (pre-conditioning under various stresses, life tests) and LATs, construction analysis and electrical tests (40 to 50).
Use case #2:
Search for a maximum temperature drift on an ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)
Offers tailored to the different stages of your project

Electronic product design consulting

Electronic component quality control

Electronic component obsolescence – Advice and strategic choices